Thursday, August 5, 2010


We've all felt that mid-day lull. When you feel like you want to take a nap.  But because you're working or otherwise unable to do that you reach for a coffee, or red bull, or candy, or a soda get the picture.  And maybe that fix helps you feel that little extra burst to get you through the next few hours.  Then you get home and all you want to do is crash.  Just the thought of making dinner or doing anything, really, makes you want to sink into the couch a little bit deeper.
Let's rewind.
You feel the sleepiness of the 3:00 hour and instead of running to the nearest Starbucks you try a heart opener.  A mini back bend with a side of a few deep breaths.  You feel your chest expand, your mood lifts, and you are filled with liveliness!  This helps remind you to stay aware of your breathing, bring mindfulness into the rest of your day.  With a calm mind and energized body you arrive home, happily prepare a delicious meal for yourself and your family, joyfully clean up after eating and relax the rest of the night with a good book.
Here's how:
Start by dropping your chin to your chest to release the back of your neck and tops of your shoulders.  Take a few breaths here moving your chin from side to side and exploring where there is tension, and consciously let it go.  Carefully lift your gaze and do a few shoulder rolls.  Now you're ready.

And you have a few options.  If you can, stand up, plant your feet firm into the floor, about hip distance apart.  Interlace your fingers at the small of your back.  Squeeze your elbows together as you start to straighten your arms moving your shoulder blades in toward the front of your body.  If that feels okay for you start to lift your arms towards parallel to the floor.  Keep your throat open yet the back of your neck long.  It is easy to bend deeply into the low back here, so keep you abdomen engaged and your tailbone tucking in.  Breathe deeply into the center of your chest accepting feelings of love and joy.  Take this only to the degree that you can hold it comfortably and breathe easy.   Hold for 3-5 breaths and repeat as often as you like!

If your chest and shoulders are tight or it's hard to interlace your hands behind you, try this variation.  Sit up tall in a chair or on the floor.  Place your hands behind you and lift your chest up.  Again, keep your throat open and the back of your neck long.  Feel the expansion of your chest as you inhale and try to keep your chest full and wide as you exhale.  Imagine your heart flying high out of your chest.  Hold steadily and ease-fully for 3-5 breaths and repeat as many times as you want.

It might feel good for you to counter this back bend with a forward bend, like Child's Pose, Standing Forward Fold, or if your sitting just folding forward where you are, just for a moment or two and slowly come back up and feel the bliss move through you!
Also, you don't need to save these heart openers for the midday.  They are a great way to get you energized when you wake up as well!  Let me know how you feel after trying this one!



  1. this actually works! I tried this at work after a mega stressful meeting and felt signifigantly better. thanks!

  2. Nice! Glad to know you liked it!! :)
